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9 agosto 2011 2 09 /08 /agosto /2011 22:25

<Mi Salto al Éxito 2012p> 



I'm sitting, Looking back, my last signing
and signed as bad as I've been
my body becomes an Ice Stone
and with the welcome yet clear
I ask God and then I wonder
if it was him or if it was me
which I build, which allowed everything that happened.link
Step by step I'm thawing
and I watched and listened
as good with the tasty shake hands, and watch and laugh at me.
They laugh at everything bad that happened
laugh at everything I missed.
So time passed until I Espabila
and I see God in a paper with a pen and a Thread
in their hands grabbing my Future Seine
was not written on paper
Victorias my weigh less than a feather
my fate was tied to a single thread
and that he did not know how it would end my situation and my problems.link
And I say so!
if God does not know that end and have my case solution
and what the confusion that my failures will produce
I'm lost!
I'm alone!
I'm helpless!
as I have often felt
and how you felt as you repeatedly.link
But my soul talk to me!
She tells me, never mind
I'm going to give more hugs
for you to reconsider and build a new road today.
I did what my soul told me
and no one else I'm going to ignore.
I'm going to concentrate
I will find a way
I will try to go somewhere
with my moral and my flag held high
Yes! loudly.
I have to solve my problems
without depression
I was cool as
as I relax
as I thaw
so easy I have to solve all my problems.link
If God
if Santos
if the Prophets
if Virgin
If the Angels
if Jesus Christs
want to help me help me
your help is very welcome
your help is needed and valuable
but I have only to look after my life.
From today I will improve the standards and conditions of my life
I'm dry!
I'm standing firm!
I'm more intent!
to face all the problems that stunt my life.
Ami no me no atrophy, nor thy God!
Astros are already where they belong.link
My Atrophy nobody!
Since I built my philosophy!
Build your philosophy!
I sit, looking back !!!


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Adalberto Cirilo Ramos Alfonso

  • Adalberto Cirilo Ramos Alfonso
  • Escribo y Pinto(Autodidacta)y tengo pasión por la Cocina,ya soy Artista y mi mujer es Cocinera por eso misturo el Arte y el Sabor,me dedico a organizar Partí Servicios,Eventos,Exposiciones,ect!
  • Escribo y Pinto(Autodidacta)y tengo pasión por la Cocina,ya soy Artista y mi mujer es Cocinera por eso misturo el Arte y el Sabor,me dedico a organizar Partí Servicios,Eventos,Exposiciones,ect!

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Conoces el País de la Abundancia???

País Abundancia

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Salta al Éxito!!!

Mi Salto al Éxito 2012


Si quieres elevar tu nivel de Vida y tu Nivel Financiero Salta al Èxito,solo así vas a lograr lo que quieres.

Garantiza el Futuro de tus Hijos!

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Ganar Dinero con Flippa

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Cocina Alemana está 24 horas a tu disposición(Auto Piloto)

Adalberto C. Ramos Alfonso

E-mail: papipartyservicio@googlemail.com

E- mail de Emergencia: acra-negociosporinternet@hotmail.com

Tel: +4916098639762




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